Premium Exchange Rates
Exchange rates of foreign currencies to Hong Kong Dollar:
- Hong Kong Dollars (HKD) policies only accept HKD payment. For non-HKD policies, payments can be made in either the policy currency or HKD. The payment currency of non-HKD policies is subject to the terms and conditions of the individual payment methods. Please refer to the acceptable payment currencies for each payment method.
- If you paid for a foreign currency policy in HKD by non-cheque payment, the transaction amount will be settled at the applicable exchange rate on the transaction date and converted into the equivalent amount of policy currency (except autopay and cheque/cashier’s order/bank draft payment).
- If the premium is paid by HKD account through autopay, the transaction amount will be calculated in HKD equivalent based on the exchange rate of 3 business days (including Saturday) prior to the direct debit date.
- If you pay by cheque/cashier’s order/bank draft in HKD, the transaction amount will be settled at the applicable exchange rate at on the day of receipt by Prudential and converted into the equivalent amount of policy currency.
Effective Date(dd/mm/yyyy): 29/03/2025
For Policy issued in HK:
Policy Currency | Exchange rate to HKD (for premium payment) |
Exchange rate to HKD (for claims payment (except VHIS products*)) |
USD | 7.7992 | 7.7536 |
RMB | 1.1028 | 1.0387 |
AUD | 5.0478 | 4.7562 |
CAD | 5.5951 | 5.2712 |
GBP | 10.3702 | 9.7720 |
* For the exchange rate applicable to the claims payment of VHIS products, please refer to the website of the Hong Kong Association of Banks. Any claim for Eligible Expenses made by the Insured Person in any foreign currency shall be converted to the currency denomination as specified in the Policy Schedule of this Policy at the opening indicative counter exchange selling rate published by The Hong Kong Association of Banks in respect of that foreign currency for the date on which the claim is settled by the Company If such rate is not available on the date concerned, reference shall be made to the rate as soon as it is available afterwards. If no such rate exists, the Company shall convert the foreign currency at the rate certified as appropriate by the Company’s bankers which shall be deemed to be final and binding.
- The above exchange rates shown above are for reference only and are subject to change by Prudential in its sole discretion with reference to prevailing market benchmarks without prior notice. While Prudential may apply these rates to determine the amount of benefit payable under certain insurance products, the actual amount of payment will always be subject to the policy provisions of the relevant insurance policy which policyowners should make reference to for exact details of the benefits concerned.
- You may login myPrudential to setup autopay for premium payment. Or You can make payment by using self-service payment methods, e.g. PPS/Internet Banking/FPS and etc. Please click here for details.
- Your payments in HKD for foreign currency policies may be subject to change in view of exchange rate market fluctuation, and you should be aware of the exchange rate risks. You may need to pay any shortfall in the premium to maintain your coverage without being affected if there is any discrepancy in premium due to exchange rate fluctuations. Any overpayment of premium will be credited to the premium deposit account.