Breast Cancer Program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS)
Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS) is the largest private hospital network in Thailand and has established Bangkok Cancer Hospital Wattanosoth, the first private cancer hospital in the country located within Bangkok Hospital.
The Breast Cancer program under Prudential Plc and BDMS is a regional partnership between Prudential and BDMS to provide its customers in Asia access to Breast Cancer treatment and other related services in Thailand. Through this collaboration, all insured persons of Prudential Hong Kong can seek treatment for Breast Cancer with cost certainty in Bangkok Hospital.
Customers who are eligible and clinically appropriate* for this value-added service will benefit from a predetermined ceiling amount for a 12-month treatment period, including both treatment costs and certain accommodation expenses.
*BDMS reserves the right to exclude customers that it deems to be clinically inappropriate for the package, including those suffering from stage 4 breast cancer
Why choose this program?
Remarks: The above service is subject to terms & conditions and the insurance coverage of respective policy. Prudential Hong Kong Limited (“Prudential”), Prudential Plc and / or BDMS have the absolute discretion on eligibility. Prudential is not the service provider for the aforementioned service. Prudential shall not accept any responsibility or liability for the services provided by the service providers.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Breast Cancer program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS)?
Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS) is the largest private hospital network in Thailand and has established Bangkok Cancer Hospital Wattanosoth, the first private cancer hospital in the country located within Bangkok Hospital.
The Breast Cancer program under Prudential Plc and BDMS is a regional partnership between Prudential and BDMS to provide its customers in Asia access to Breast Cancer treatment and other related services in Thailand. Through this collaboration, all insured persons of Prudential Hong Kong can seek treatment for Breast Cancer with cost certainty in Bangkok Hospital.
Customers who are eligible and clinically appropriate* for this value-added service will benefit from a predetermined ceiling amount for a 12-month treatment period, including both treatment costs and certain accommodation expenses.
*BDMS reserves the right to exclude customers that it deems to be clinically inappropriate for the package, including those suffering from stage 4 breast cancer
Who is eligible for the Breast Cancer program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS)?
Life Assured with active policy under Prudential Hong Kong or Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong:
a. Life Assured of medical, critical illness, accident, disability, death policies and saving plans under Prudential Hong Kong OR
b. Life Assured of individual health policies under Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong OR
c. Employee of group medical under Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong
Not over 80 years of age
Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Stage 0-3 (Single-sided)
What services are included in the Breast Cancer program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS)?
- Treatments for Breast Cancer diagnosed Stage 0-3 (Single-sided), including diagnosis and investigation related to Breast Cancer, surgery and breast reconstruction (single sided), radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and management of direct complications from Breast Cancer treatment
- Hospital accommodation in Standard Private Room at Bangkok hospital during surgery
- Complimentary accommodation in Standard Private Room at Chiva Residence for 60 days (continuous or intermittent) during radiation, chemotherapy and investigation after chemotherapy treatment
- Tele-consultation prior to travelling to Thailand
- Ground transportation from airport to hospital
- All the way translation for English, Cantonese and Mandarin
- Applicable to both reimbursement and medical expenses direct billing service
Customers who are eligible and clinically appropriate* for this value-added service will benefit from a predetermined ceiling amount for a 12-month treatment period, including both treatment costs and certain accommodation expenses.
*BDMS reserves the right to exclude customers that it deems to be clinically inappropriate for the package, including those suffering from stage 4 breast cancer
Is medical expenses direct billing service available for the Breast Cancer program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS)?
The Breast cancer program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS) is applicable to both reimbursement and medical expenses direct billing service.
Medical expenses direct billing service is only applicable for Life Assured of PRUmyhealth prestige medical plan, PRUhealth medical plus, PRUmed lifelong care plan, PRUmed better care plan, PRUmed health care plan, PRUmed care plan, PRUHealth CoreChoice Medical plan, PRUHealth FlexiChoice Medical plan, PRUHealth VHIS EasyChoice Plan and PRUHealth VHIS VIP plan policies.
How to arrange treatment and file reimbursement claims for the Breast Cancer program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS)?
- If the Life Assured is diagnosed with breast cancer stage 0-3 (Single-sided) under a personal arrangement, he / she can contact Prudential via his / her Financial Consultant or send email to claims.feedback@prudential.com.hk to confirm eligibility. Please include policy information (including policy number, name of Life Assured, policy type), Mammogram report, Pet CT report, Pathology/Biopsy report, complete medical history within 1 month and indicate want to enroll for reimbursement claims in the email.
- Once Prudential confirms the eligibility with BDMS, BDMS will arrange appointment with Bangkok Hospital and hotel accommodation.
- Bangkok Hospital will arrange a tele-consultation with the Life Assured directly to confirm his / her treatment details.
- The Life Assured arranges his / her flight to Bangkok and informs BDMS about his / her flight information to arrange for a free shuttle.
- The Life Assured undergoes treatment at Bangkok Hospital and rests in the hotel.
- After the Life Assured recovers, he / she settles his / her medical expenses with Bangkok Hospital and arrange his / her own flight home. (The Life Assured is required to settle their expenses with Bangkok Hospital upfront after every treatment)
- The Life Assured completes and submits his / her claim form with the necessary documents listed to Prudential within 90 days to receive his / her reimbursement of the medical expenses incurred based on his / her insurance coverage.
How is the medical expenses direct billing service arranged for the Breast cancer program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS)?
- Medical expenses direct billing service is only applicable for Life Assured of PRUmyhealth prestige medical plan, PRUhealth medical plus, PRUmed lifelong care plan, PRUmed better care plan, PRUmed health care plan, PRUmed care plan, PRUHealth CoreChoice Medical plan, PRUHealth FlexiChoice Medical plan, PRUHealth VHIS EasyChoice Plan and PRUHealth VHIS VIP plan policies.
- If the Life Assured is diagnosed with breast cancer stage 0-3 (Single-sided) under a personal arrangement, he / she can contact Prudential via his / her Financial Consultant or send email to claims.feedback@prudential.com.hk to confirm eligibility. Please include policy information (including policy number, name of Life Assured, policy type), Mammogram report, Pet CT report, Pathology/Biopsy report, complete medical history within 1 month and indicate want to enroll for reimbursement claims in the email.
- Once Prudential confirms the Life Assured’s eligibility with BDMS, Prudential will issue a Letter of Guarantee to BDMS and notify the Life Assured of the result via SMS. The Letter of Guarantee will state the amount covered by his / her insurance coverage (to be paid by Prudential to BDMS) and co-insurance amount (to be paid by the policyowner to Prudential after their treatment) based on estimated expenses (e.g., THB 2.2 million). The Life Assured can view the Letter of Guarantee on myPrudential.
- BDMS will arrange an appointment with Bangkok Hospital as well as his / her hotel accommodation.
- Bangkok Hospital will arrange a tele-consultation with the Life Assured directly to confirm his / her treatment details and date.
- The Life Assured arranges his / her flight to Bangkok and informs BDMS about his / her flight information to arrange for a free shuttle.
- The Life Assured undergoes treatment at Bangkok Hospital and rests in the hotel.
- After the Life Assured recovers, he / she arranges his / her own flight home. (Life Assured will not need to settle any medical expenses to BDMS after treatment and during discharge)
- BDMS will send the relevant invoices and documents to Prudential for claims assessment. If any of the actual medical expenses exceed the policyowner’s insurance coverage, he / she will be notified via SMS to settle the shortfall.
Can the Life Assured choose room types other than the Standard Private Room for accommodation in Bangkok Hospital and Chiva Residence?
The Life Assured can opt for an upgrade to the Deluxe Room or Suite at their own cost.
Do the hospital room and hotel accommodation include a companion bed?
Yes. Both Bangkok Hospital and Chiva Residence offer one companion bed in his / her Standard Private Room.
Can the Life Assured opt for any additional treatments / medication outside the Breast cancer program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS)?
The Life Assured can opt for upgrades or additional treatments/medication during the program*. Alternatively, the Life Assured can opt to withdraw from their ongoing treatment under the program.
*Additional cost may apply and subject to the treatments, medication and coverage and terms & conditions of related policies
Can the Life Assured opt for reimbursement after a medical expenses direct billing service or arrange a medical expenses direct billing service in the middle of his / her treatment?
Yes. This will be handled on an as-needed basis with assistance from Prudential and BDMS.
What documents are required for enrolment in the Breast cancer program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS)?
The Life Assured’s identity documents, mammogram report, Pet CT report, pathology/biopsy report, and complete medical history within 1 month are required for enrolment. (Reports in English are preferred. Otherwise, the turnaround time will be longer due to the translation required)
Are air tickets covered by the Breast cancer program from Prudential Plc and Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS)?
No. The Life Assured is required to arrange flights at his / her own cost.
Does the Life Assured need to stay in Bangkok throughout the entire treatment?
The Life Assured can leave Thailand anytime or stay intermittently in Bangkok Hospital or Chiva Hotel during their treatment.
Will BDMS help with hotel accommodation bookings?
Yes. BDMS will help with bookings for accommodation at Chiva Residence.
What is the service scope of the tele-consultation? Is it mandatory before treatment?
The tele-consultation is an additional complimentary service provided to the Life Assured so they can understand more details about their treatment before they travel to Bangkok.
If the Life Assured opts for reimbursement, does he / she need to pay the medical expenses upfront at the hospital after every treatment?
Yes. The Life Assured is required to pay the medical expenses upfront after every treatment.
Who can the Life Assured contact for enquiries?
The Life Assured can contact his / her Financial Consultant or the Prudential Customer Service Hotline (+852 2281 1333).